Strange worm in sandbed - what???


Okay, I need help identifying a strange worm(?) that has multiplied dramatically. First, it is not a fire worm / bristle worm. I have had these in the past. This creature is orangish-brown in color. It's body resembles an earthworm. They are typically about a half-inch but have very long tentacles about as thin as silk thread. Typically they are burrowed in the sand with a small mound or sand above them with these tentacles -- sometimes well over an inch in length -- that extend from this small sand mound, presumably seeking food. Occasionally these creatures have started lately crawling on the glass. At first I only had a couple of these, now I can count 30 - 40 at any given time. What are these? Are they beneficial or harmful? If harmful, is there a natural predator that I should intruduce to thin or eliminate them?


Active Member
It may be a speghetti worm but when you mention it looks like an earth worm it throws me off. Do you have any pics of it?


I have tried to get pictures of it, but it is so small that my autofocus camera does not detect and focus on it. I'll try again with a tripod (might help). What I mean is that it is about the color of an earthworm and has a similar semi-translucency. You can see tiny organs or vessels within it. It is hard to describe.


Active Member
If they have lots of thread like tentacles that they spread out on the surface of the sand, they are spaghetti worms or similar. Usually numerous for spaghetti worms (dozens of tentacles) or only a couple for others (eg two for spionid worms)
They are considered GOOD and should be kept...but will most likely "bloom" as available nutrients decline as the tank matures.