I am very upset.. I have had bad luck with fish before, so I should have known. I just bought 3 great looking firefish from the LFS the other day. They looked great, and seem to be doing great. All 3 stay very close together and just hang out right in the front. Well, now for the problem. It has only been 2 days and I just noticed a very strange worm like thing coming out of the gill of one of them. I can just barely see a red spot where it looks like its attached just inside the gill. It is a clear/white thing coming off that is very very curly. It does not move while I am watching it and does not seem to bother the fish.. What is this??? I cant get a picture to show it well. It looks like a curly white worm about half a centimeter attached inside the gill of the fish. What do I do? and how do I remove this thing. I do not want to return one of them because they all seem very close. The LFS said they had been together for 2 months.