Strawberry Crab Behavior


So we thought these guys were cool looking and we put one in our tank. However, he's extremely reclusive and we rarely see him as he spends his time hiding in the rocks.
Is this typical of the breed? I'm not interested in getting another if so, but if they are usually more visible I may try another one.


I had one before and only saw him occasionally out and about during the day, they are some cool looking crabs though


Active Member
They are cool looking but I hear that they are reclusive. The same reason I have never gotten a lobster along with some other reasons but I have learned to start buying only things that I can observe and not things that will hide all the time.
I just went to the store looking for a Strawberry Crab the other day too. They didn't have any but they did have an Emerald. I was kinda interested in that guy anyway and he was half the price ($10 vs. $20) so I told the attendant that I'd take him. Another shopper was there and said that they're cool, but the problem with Emeralds and Strawberries is that you might not see them a lot.
So I get home, do the acclimation, and then put him in the tank. He ran in a few circles like a crazy folk and then just sat there. I left him for about 20 minutes, and came back. Haven't seen him since. Well, I see him, barely, but he's hidden in a cave. Pretty good $10, huh?
In summary: yes, they hide. I think.


$10, you got robbed. I love my emerald and ruby mithrax, they have a ton of personality. They are constantly out in my tank. I think it just takes them some time to be comfortable. Every once in a while they get on something I don't want them on and I have to take the stick to them and they put up their dukes, it is a riot. It is also fun to watch my royal gramma nail them when they get close to her hole.


Active Member
I have four emeralds and I see them all them time. You have to look for them because they are usually stationary picking away at the rock. Now when I feed the fish, they come running out along with everything else!