Stress Coat (API) it helpful?


New Member
I am new to SWF and just wanted some opinions on using Stress Coat (by API) with water changes.
Is it a waste of money? or Does is it beneficial for the fish?


I highly recommend it, before I got my SWT, I used it for my Bettas, I have had them for a few years now and think it is because of the stress coat I put in with their water changes. I'm no expert but I would definitely say YES.


This probable isnt much help but i use it in my fresh. I don't have a salt yet, but i also no my local pet store recomends it for their saltwater fish.( i dont no if they are right but...) but thats my 2cents


Active Member
its ok if u use it. it neutralizes the heavy metals, so the carbon in ur filter will absorb them. if u hv a skimmer tho, ur skimmer will go crazy.


Active Member
If your using ro water like you should be you have no need for it and it will make your skimmer go nuts and pull out water to the point of overflowing.


I was told to use it during water changes, adding new fish...what does it do to your skimmer? and what does the skimmer look like again? Sorry! what do you mean the protein skimmer? I clean mine every 2 days


Active Member
It increases the viscosity of the water. Since the operation of a skimmer is dependant on the viscosity, it causes more foaming and more water removal.
I wouldn't use it in tanks myself. There isn't a lot of point to it, and most experienced aquarists will tell you not to dump things into the water just for the hell of it.
It's often used to help fish who are under stress from transport. I'm not against using it for this purpose, but there is no point to use it for water changes or anything like that. If you use proper source water (RODI, properly mixed, aged aerated) and are not doing over 75%, then the fish should be just fine with a water change.
Manufacturers love to tell you to dump their things directly into the tank. They sell WAY more product that way.


Active Member
The only time I have ever used this is when I had transported a fish or had one delivered.I would put a couple of drops in the bowl with him in case he losed his slime.Besides that I have never used it for anything else.