stress coat+ killing live rock?


so i noticed one of my fish had been beaten up a bit by my damsel(which i donated to my LFS for that reason)
so since his fins where damaged i decided to add stress coat+plus hoping it could help heal his wounds faster.
but now i noticed my live rock has a hazy film over it and my ammonia has increased by .25, did the stress coat+ do this? am i ultimately killing my live rock. and hopefully not my fish if the ammonia raises higher?
what should i do!?


Active Member
a water change is what is in order.
If ammonia is present, then you need to dilute it with a water change. Hopefully, if you did any damage with the slime coat, it will undo/prevent further damage.
for damaged fins, I suggest garlic and a varied diet. This will help the fins to grow back nice and healthy. I have also heard great things about melafix and primafix (I believe that is the name of it). They are supposed to be good for damaged fins.