Stress in fish


What are the causes of stress in fish? Does having a house party or lots of people moving around the aquarium might result to stress?


Active Member
Originally Posted by OceanKid
What are the causes of stress in fish? Does having a house party or lots of people moving around the aquarium might result to stress?
It could if your fish is already skittish around big blobs moving in front of it's home...
A lot of time just moving the fish from it's regular environment stresses it.. and with saltwater that usually means from a reef-across the ocean-to a fish store-to your aquarium. It's a stressful situation....


Ya, I personally wouldn't want a bunch of people milling around in front of my tank unless they were looking at it. If you notice, it takes most fish a while to get used to you before they come out of hiding, that many people in a room I am sure would probably send them back, especially with loud music. That and if it is a drinking party, I would be worried about someone doing something stupid and breaking the tank, so it would result in me being more stressed.