stressed dogface.... PH issue? what to do.. input please


Our new dogface puffer has been turning a dark shade of brown and has been sitting up behind the powerhead in one of the corners of the tank. when hes eating he looks fine, no darkening, exc. He also puffed for the first time yesterday (bear in mind we have only had him since Thursday) and deflated okay but im concerned about him...
parameters are as follows
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 5.0
ammonia: 0
PH 7.8 (Low, going to buff it)
would this cause the puffer to be showing stressed colors? should we try to do a water change to help the nitrates and PH or just buff the tank? How long should it take for the puffer to settle in?
ETA: we just went to publix and picked up some fresh octopus and squid and he ate a good meal of it! If nothing else he has a great appetite!


The nitrates are not high. Fish can take much higher nitrates without any bad effects. pH is low... I would try to add buffer and raise it. A better question is WHY is the pH low? You need to figure this out so you can fix the source of the problem.
I take it no other fish are picking on the puffer?


no, nothing is picking on him... i completely emptied the tank when we got him with the exception of one banggai cardinal, one blk/wht clown and a blue chromis that is afraid of his own shadow.
I will make a run up to our LFS and pick up some buffer, this is a problem that has been on going since we got the tank (low ph)
The puffer seems less stressed now that it has a full belly, perhaps some of the stress was hunger based? we hadnt really given it a whole lot because it had been spending most of its time eating the zoos that were left stuck on the LR and some mysis, None the less thanks so much for your input!!
Any suggestions for raising PH more naturally then buffing 1-2xs a month?


Having a refugium with chaeto or other macro algae will help stabilize your pH. You can leave the refugium lights on 24/7 like I do or you can do a reverse cycle and leave the refugium lights on when the tank lights are off.


I currently have a wet/dry sump with (gasp) bio balls... of course there is a skimmer in it too. suggestions for switching it up? it is a typical wet/dry sump, how could i convert it to a refugium? I have tried reading threads here and end up more confused then when i started.
ours is similar (same design just bigger)


That looks pretty tight to convert to a refugium. But you can add another small tank next to your sump and use that as a refugium. You just need to plumb so the water goes from your tank, to the existing sump, then through the refugium and back in your tank. Or you can buy an already made hang on back refugium. I'm not allowed to post links to other stores here, but do a search on Google for CPR Hang On Back Refugium.
Check out this page for example on creating a refugium:


Make sure you give your puffer plenty of shellfish to keep his beak down.
Puffers usually perch on powerheads, they like to just hang out at times.They really do act like dogs though, so if he is swimming around with his tail tucked he is upset/sad.Puffers do at times puff up for no reason-just sort of exercising.Enjoy your puffer they are great fish.