stringy stuff


I started a thread yesterday about all kinds of tiny air bubbles in my tank but I think the problem is coming from these long greenish red stringy algae that I have in my tank on my rocks and sand. I really do not think that it's cyano bac or hair algae but whatever it is, it seems to have all kinds of air bubbles attached to it that are stressing out my corals. Last I checked (which I will check again tomarrow for a more current reading) these are the peramiters
Nitrarte - 0 ppm
Nitrite - 0 ppm
Amm - 0 ppm
phos - 0 ppm
pH - 8.2
Sal - 1.025 ppm
I use RO/DI water and do water changes at least once a week. I have turbo snails, nass snails, red reef hermits, scarlet hermits, and tri color hermits (about 10 snails and 13 crabs in a 10 gal) but they really don't seem to be doing much. The tank has been set up for about a year and has about approx 15 to 20 lbs of live rock. I'm running an in tank protien skimmer and a hang on filter. I use t5 lights at about 6 watts per gal. Does anyone have any idea what this string stuff is, where it's coming from, why it's making and/or attracting bubbles and how can I get rid of it? Thanks for any help!


I'll try to get some pics and see if I can get them on.
I use the "doc wellfish" liquid test kits. I think the actual company is API. I have the saltwater master test kit and the Reef master test kit.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
Dinoflagelettes characteristically contains bubbles.
I looked it up but the only pics I could get of it on line were of the individual cells under a microscope and that really doesn't help. Are dinoflagellates rusty colored and make long thin threads? It could be dinoflagellates but I really don't know for sure.


I have the stringy brown/rust stuff too along with bubbles here and there, I thought the bubbles were heat related and the stringy stuff was "germ warfare" from my zoos.