Striped Fang Blenny


Active Member
Anyone have one of these guys? What are their tempermant? My hawkfish doesn't like me adding another fish and keeps killing them by making them jump. I was told that the fang blenny can hold his own. What do you think? Personally I believe I am done adding another fish to my tank until I relocate the marroon but I still would like your input on the fang blenny.


New Member
I don't have experience with a fang blenny, but I do with hawkfish! I found that if I took mine out and kept it in the QT tank for a couple days and then put him back in, he would act like the new guy again and wouldn't beat up anyone. I've also heard that you can usually stop bullying if you rearrange your tank a little bit, just enough to blur territory lines.


Active Member
Take him out?

I have a tall tank with a lot of rock so taking him out would be a lot of work. I am about to make an attempt at removing the marroon. I have moved some of the rock around several times in an attempt to change his territory but it didn't work.


Active Member
I'm wondering if the fang blenny can hold his own against the hawkfish like the guy at the LFS said.


Active Member
ive had a striped fang blenny. I took it home and it never accepted any food. (mysis or flakes) so i tried baby brine shrimp which it took no intrest in. So the only options i had were watch it starve, take it back, or put it in our 75g thats loaded with pods (the only thing it was eating but i dont have enough), but it also had a grouper in it. I took my chances with the grouper and the grouper left it alone after a few minutes, but the blenny died the next day. I googled it, and its usually it or miss with these fish.


Active Member
It gets a 3 out of 5 on care level which tells me it is hit or miss. Maybe the miss is when you can't get it to eat.