stripping my aquarium


im trying to catch some fish...if i strip my aquarium, what should i do with my shrimp and crabs and snails and anemone?


and what if my crabs are on the rocks...should i just take them off and drop them on the sand bed??? and what if my anemone is stuck to a rock? i dont want to peel him off and i dont want to just throw him in a bucket with the rest of my rock...


Active Member
Maybe you could leave the one rock the anenome is on in there. Otherwise you can get a rubbermaid container and drain some of your tank water into it. Enough to cover the rocks and the anenome. Then catch those fish and get the other stuff back in the tank. Shouldn't take too long but, might be a bit of a mess. I've done it.


Active Member
Try catching them in the dark...after the lights have been off for 2-3 hours...get a flashlight and gotta be quick, but I found the light either blinds them or disorientates them...worked for me taking two damsels out.