Stripping Tank


I have a 70 gallon tank that has been running problem free for 4 years and within in the last 6-8 months I've lost a Powder Brown, Yellow Eye, Coral Beauty, Lemonpeel, Orange shoulder tang, Percula and tomato, and 1 green chromis. It seems to be some kind of parasite that I can't get rid of so I'm deeming the tank a death tank. Now I've come to the decision that I'm gonna strip the tank all together so I can start from scratch. If I go about beaching all the coral, cushed coral, and inside of the tank, what is the procedure I should follow in terms of bleaching solution and time frame? Any replies would be helpful, thanx.


Active Member
Wow! Sorry for the loss of all those beautiful fish! :(
I agree with the previous post in that we need more info. Do you have lr? What type of set up are you going for? FO, FOWLR, Reef?
I'd hate to be in the position of having to sterilize my whole system and starting over! Good luck and send more info. I'd like to be able to solve this mystery or see someone else do it!