strong enough light?



Question for all of you that know your lights, corals, anemones and the such. I have a 125 gallon that I bought off a guy that has two Coralife 36 Inch Aqualight With 96 Watt 50/50. I would like to put some condy's and perhaps a carpet anemone for my clown, but fear my lighting is not nearly strong enough...but before I blow a chunk of cash was wondering if these might suffice. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by usirchchris
Question for all of you that know your lights, corals, anemones and the such. I have a 125 gallon that I bought off a guy that has two Coralife 36 Inch Aqualight With 96 Watt 50/50. I would like to put some condy's and perhaps a carpet anemone for my clown, but fear my lighting is not nearly strong enough...but before I blow a chunk of cash was wondering if these might suffice. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

nope, First off you you can only have one anem per tank. And 2nd thats not even close enuf light for one. The only thing you could do is softies half way up.


That is what I thought...about the lighting that is. Why only one anemone per tank? I have never heard that it because they roam at times? or if you have two, do they specifically search one another out? Very curious....

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by usirchchris
That is what I thought...about the lighting that is. Why only one anemone per tank? I have never heard that it because they roam at times? or if you have two, do they specifically search one another out? Very curious....
Well, For you size tank it could prob work until they get very large. it will be a chemical warfare. So one if they get close one is going to die. But like I said your tank it might work. But if your doing a reef tank I def would not get one. IMO they are not reef safe. They roam at times and one is bad enuf let alone 2.


. No not really doing a reef per se, just wanted to add a little color to the tank. I am under the impression that condy's stay relatively small? Perhaps I am incorrect in this assumption. I was going to get 2 or three of these, and some kind of carpet. By all means let me know if this is a terrible idea however. This is one aspect of saltwater I am still trying to learn. Aside from this...if I added two 175w metal halides in addition to the lights I already have...would this put me in the right ballpark to house the anemones? or do I need alot more light

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by usirchchris
. No not really doing a reef per se, just wanted to add a little color to the tank. I am under the impression that condy's stay relatively small? Perhaps I am incorrect in this assumption. I was going to get 2 or three of these, and some kind of carpet. By all means let me know if this is a terrible idea however. This is one aspect of saltwater I am still trying to learn. Aside from this...if I added two 175w metal halides in addition to the lights I already have...would this put me in the right ballpark to house the anemones? or do I need alot more light

that light would let you do anything. you could do one carpet or maybe 2 condys. But I would only do one. carpets get HUGE tho.