By stock bulb, do you mean the one that came with the tank?? If so then replace it with what's called an NO (no output) bulb. It is so you can see into the tank, but it will not sustain any corals.
There are also higher wattage bulbs called HO (high output) and VHO (very high output), but you need a seperate ballast (or fixture to save confusion) than the one you currently have.
We think you may have tried to put a HO or a VHO bulb onto your NO fixture and that's why it blew.
When you find a NO b ulb, the wattage is usually 40. The kelvin rating will not matter, you can get 10,000 or 20,000. Try to stay away from the 6.000 and 6500 bulbs since those are better for plants.