struggling with a territorial damsel


ok so i just but a sixline wrasse about 2 hours ago i acclimated him and placed him in my tank and i think hes scared of my damsel and hes hiding in the back top right corner of my tank. . . should i take out the damsel or. . . what


when you first add any fish theat is their first instinct to hide. Ha the damsel tied to attck the new fish at all. I would also turn the lights off for awhile. if the damsel still goes after the wrasse then you may have to take the damsel out to make the enviroment sade dor the wrasse.


If your damsel bugs your wrasse, move some of the decore around. The damsel knows every inch of that tank, and where all the rocks are. He sees it as his "home". The Wrasse is an intruder as far as he is concerned.
By moving around the rocks, the damsel know longer recognizes where he is and won't have his territory any longer. Sometimes this works, and sometimes it doesn't. Worst case scenerio is that you end up getting rid of the Damsel. But at least this is something to consider.
Good luck man.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fuz_munky
ok so i just but a sixline wrasse about 2 hours ago i acclimated him and placed him in my tank and i think hes scared of my damsel and hes hiding in the back top right corner of my tank. . . should i take out the damsel or. . . what
If this scenario plays out as it usually seems to; that damsel will dictate everything you put into your tank as long as you have him. I think there are more threads about how to get rid of unwanted damsels than any other topic. Any chance this damsel was recommended by the lfs as a "cycle starter"?


Active Member
How big is the tank?
In a small tank, it is entirely possible that the damsel will "own" the whole thing, attacking anything else, including you!