Stubby finger leather frags


I have a stubby finger leather coral i have fragged a few pieces from..How large would they have to be to start trading them off for other items? I do have a few really small one inch or less and then another thats 2 inches wide and maybe 3inches high thats beeen fragged for a few months now..What size do people start to trade these?? If anyone is interested in any of these let me know!


i will take pics when i get home of the momma ad all the frags...they arent attached to anything except for the one big frag...the small ones i put in a freshwater breeder net thingy..but yeh ill get pics posted this afternoon!



the one in the middle is the big is attached to a rock about 2 inches long .its all closed up atm though lights were off..maybe later tonight when he opens i can get a better one.
the mammy coral :p it is not opened up either usually its polyps extend really well just happened to all be closed up today when i got home :p

and the babies..they arent an inch...after i looked closely..1/2 - 3/4 of an inch but not attached to anything..i could maybe attach them to the reef plugs i have or leave them free floating *shrugs* i dunno whats best..

thats about it..not great pics but best i could do right now