stuff everywere...what to do


there is die off and some fish food that is at the bottom of my tank...what will clean that up...shrimp doesnt want to he would ranther eat off the rock


Active Member
If its that bad you should manually remove it via vacuuming ect. Sallylightfoots are really greedy and spend all day scavenging. Dont know what kind of shrimp you have but fire (blood) shrimp are pretty active that way as well. Green emeralds will eat it too but wont be in any hurry especially if there's algae to eat as well. I wouldn't leave either in the bottom of my tank waiting for something to eat it. IF the shrimp was hungry (or the food was appetizing) he'd go down to eat it. If a shrimp wont scavange there's no garauntee something else will do much better. I dont think anything want to eat die off, there shouldn't be any unless you cycled you tank with live rock in which case it should be removed manually best as possible and quickly. If food is accumulating at the bottom I would start feeding something different as well and only as much as will be consumed. In fact I'd stop feeding all together while there was food accumulated at the bottom.