stuff on the glass?


New Member
i noticed that i have pods all over the glass of my tank, and i just noticed recently these other new creatures that look like little spider like things on the glass. there is a TON of them, and i'm a little worried. Does anyone know what these are? i'd try to post a pic but they are really small. anyone?


Active Member
hmmm, i have another post on here, mine are tiny white specks, looks like dust & i knock them off with the magnet. is it a pod or algae? they are so small, i dont know if they are moving on their own or with the water currenet


first ? sounds like hydroids, little circles with "legs" encircling the body. second ? try to watch them to see if they run if so pods of some sort.


Active Member
i thought pods were much larger :eek: i was waiting to see worms crawling around at the bottom. not microscopic things ;)
oops :) got the magnify glass out and they are definatly living beings of some sort


New Member

Originally posted by 007
sounds like hydroids . . . try doing a search for them.

thanks for the input... they are in fact hydroid jellyfish... so do you think it is a good idea to scrape them off with my algae magnet?