Stuff on water surface.


:help: In my 125g has a whiteish like powder floating on the top. It looks like when crushed coral is added, the powder makes the water cloudy for a while. Kind of like that but it's just on the surface. I have a skimmer but that's not doing much help since the intake is below the surface. One of my powerheads is pointed toward the surface and it helps there but it's not helping the rest of the tank. My parameters are fine.
I have live rock (don't know the weight but it fills up each end with the middle open for swimming), crushed coral substrate, some agralive substrate, a cleaner shrimp, a few snails, a hermit, a sailfin, yellow tang, some damsels, a maroon clown, sixline wrasse, a psuedochromis, and a featherduster.
I also have an XP-3 filter, two power heads, Prizm protein skimmer (I know they are only rated for 110g, better then nothing), and the lighting is just 50/50 flor. bulbs.
If anyone knows anything about this or has seen this please let me know.


I have a simular issue in my 38 gal tank now that one of my power heads have died (lowsy Rio's.) . You may want to try adding a power heard or moving one more twards the surface. More circulation at the surface seems to get rid of the film.


The cleaning crew was a thought I've had but I don't have a reef setup, just fish and some inverts. Will they have enough to eat even though I don't have intense(sp) lighting?
I keep my coke in my freshwater tank, it burns going in coming from the saltwater. -kidding- It doesn't hurt that bad.


do you have a protein skimmer? The funk at the top of the tank could be a built up layer of protein - the proteins cling to the boundary of where water meets air. either bubbles in the tank or in this case the surface.


Yeah, I have a Prizm protein skimmer, which I know is only rated for 100g but I still believe it's better then nothing.
Wester - Thanks for putting that way on where the protein matter is in the water and it's properties.
I think I'm going to take the glass tops of today and simply take a bucket and scoop out the surface water for it's water change unless someone can suggest something different.


I scooped the water out for the water change but I am going to give it a few days to be sure of the results. I'll keep everyone posted.
Hey, Wester97, I and the rest of the Big XII are rooting for the sooners. WHO CARES WHEN YOU LOST, at least OU lost to a good team.


I'm still not sure how we lost - it was sad. They have been practicing hard since then, and well be ready tomorrow night. =)


Active Member
There are two things you can do. Get a fine mesh fish net and scoop up the surface film or two, buy the deluxe kit for the prizm skimmer. It comes with the surface skimming attachment. HTH


I don't have a test for my calcium levels yet but I need to get more ammonia tests today and I'll try that too. The deluxe attachment sounds like a good idea, I'll look into that after I get off work.


Active Member
Well if you do not have a test kit for calcium you should not be dosing it. that may be your problem...a precipitated calcium on the top of the water.


New Member
I agree with wester on the protien build up, eventually the skimmer would get it but adding a wet dry would skim the water off the top as well as improve the water quality, or cut the feeding back a bit


aaron - I don't add calcium, I never said I did.
I do have one of my powerheads aggetating(sp) the surface plus the return spray bar keeps the water moving at the surface. Where the powerhead's jet meets with the surface, the water is clean which lets me know there is hope. I am soon ordering the surface skimmer for my skimmer.
Thanks Everyone,


Active Member
Hi, I always had a problem with a film on top of the water until I got an overflow box where the surface of the water is constantly being replaced. I think that their are always light oils and dust that float on the water surface. Lesley


From everyones help, I have figured out that I don't have anything to skim off of the surface water. Just the little suggestions from everyone have been enough for me to relialize(sp) that I need to pull water throughout the entire water column. I've started to look into skimmer boxes for my filter which is an XP3 Fluval. Being just out of college and blessed with college loans I am going to have to put my design degree to good use and try to make something to work as an oveflow box without looking ghetto (ghetto means rigged, or not up to par; I know there is probably a wide age range of viewers to this site). If anyone has done so, made a homemade overflow, I would appreciate any suggestions. If I don't get a big response I may start a new thread on the DIY board.
Thanks to everyone for their suggestions and help. The cooperation of forums such as this is what makes new hobbyist such as myself (1.5 years) not lose interest.
P.S. AaronE, I didn't mean to snap at you earlier, I sounded like a brat, sorry and thanks.