Stung by carpet anemone- ouch!!


Today I was trying to help out a friend who just purchased a saddle carpet anemone ( very large) and I was stung in the arm- inside forearm just below wrist. OUCH- immediately the area turned red and white bumps appeared, and boy was my arm hot. We immediately check online for info and it said to irrigate with saltwater ( that hurt even more) then apply white vinegar and soak in HOT water. I did have a glove on ( she has zoo's also) but the carpet "stuck " to my arm before I could get it moved. Curious if this has ever happen to anyone before, and is there anything else that helps. It has now been about 4 hrs since this happen, and my arm is still stinging, and quite red and bumpy
any info, or suggestions would be appreciated. thanks
OUCH... did you get the info you needed?
I am curious too.. I got stung yesterday by a torch,, OUCH! I didnt get white bumps though..
Hope you feel better, Kim


Kim, thanks and sorry to hear about that torch. I had a hard trouble sleeping last night, the wound was still throbbing and HOT. Today, most of the redness has gone down, and it looks like a bad rash - small reddish/purple dots on my forearm. I've taken a Zyrtec for allergy, and am putting hydrocortozone (sp?) cream on it. Wish me luck, I have bowling league tonight, I'm a righty, and go figure it got my right arm. Might just have to drink a few more beers to numb it- lol. Anyway, thanks.
LOL Karen,
Glad to hear your better.. YUP, those stings can H U R T !!
I was planting traps for a Mantis and had my hand in the tank for a while moving rock and such and one of my corals stung me... I think it was the torch, he had his "longer" tenticles reaching out... felt like a hot bee sting!