stupid eel


New Member
ok 1 week ago i bought a snowflake eel i put him in his tank will triggers and a pork puffer that are all to big for his small mouth i noticed he hasnt been eating the goldfish so i bought krill i put the krill in there and the puffer loved it he ate so much then the eel came out and bit the hell out of him trying to get the krill from his mouth anyway the puffer puffed and then spit out all of the krill from everywere his gills his mouth everyware then the eel ate and didnt bother anyone how do i stopl this from occuring he wont even touch the damsels that are small so i would hate to get rid of him also the puffer has one piece of krill stuck in his gills what do i do the eel is 5inch the puffer is bigger


Eels are almost blind. They go by smell. So your eel smelled the food on you're puff's mouth and bit it, tryin to get the food. He didn't realize he was going after the puff, till he bit him. Not that bright of fish, but cool. You should buy a feeder stick. Get frozen food (or other meat foods) stick it on the end of the stick, and drop it down in front of the eel, and he'll do the rest of the work. ;)


How big is your tank?
You might want to feed your eel with atong thing, so he won't swim up to get the krill...


your puff will probably expel the food on his own...ive seen that happen before with a grouper and it does just come out.
The feeding stick is a good idea. I had to do the same after my golden moray got a hold of my finger during feeding time...yikes! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> They do go by smell and motion, so if he smells food and your puffer had it then by golly he was going to grab it! Try a feeder stick and see what happens. I'm sure you'll have better luck.