Stupid Filter..


I am finally setting up my tank, and today was using my tap water thing that filters my water from the sink- it says it filters 50-150 Gallons or lower if water is worse- I only got 25 gallons out of it! My question is can I just use water conditioned from the sink for the other half of the tank? (55 gallon tank)


Active Member
You can, but why rush? Wait another day and do the job properly in my opinion ;)


where do you live that the water is so bad you only got 25 gals? i used a tap water purifier and averaged about a 100gal with each chamber. make sure you watch it closely because the outside resin closest to the plastic seems to change color first and throws your perception off. i wasted 2 good shambers that way because all the middle resins were still green.


Active Member
Using the tap water for the second half would simply defeat the purpose of the filter. You would still instroduce contaminates which your water may contain and you didn't want in the first place.
You may consider bottled RO'd water for the other half for now.