Stupid Question - specific gravity levels?


Hey guys,
Doing some poking around online and I am wondering what levels you keep your reef tank at? I realise this is relevant to the inhabitants, but what would a broad range be?
I have been mixing mine to 1.022 (or 30 salinity) because that is what it says on the salt bucket.... But I have read that it should be closer to 1.024-1.026? So I am a little confused

LOL, am I slowly killing my fish??
Thanks, Sheridan


Active Member
Natural seawater is 1.025 or 35 psu.
For your tank factor in how much you evaporate and how ofter you top off. As the tank water evaporates, Sg rises.


In the ocean the levels are at 1.026+, but that gives fish a bigger appetite which sometimes is not good for home aquariums because it increases aggression. For reef tanks with inverts and corals, salinity absolutely needs to be at least 1.023. Fish only tanks can be as low as 1.022 because it slows down the fish and slows down appetite.


Oops...sorry Henry...I think we were typing our responses at the same time to the question...was not trying to correct you on the salinity levels. I know it totally varies by ocean and how close you are to the surface so it could be 1.025-1.026 for the most part...Like the Red Sea for example has really high evaporation levels so the salinity is higher, but other parts are lower...


I keep mine at 1.025.
Used to keep it at 1.021-1.023, definitely did nor have as good of results with coral or inverts.


Well-Known Member

1.022 -1.026
What is most important is consistency. You want the SG to always read the same. Raise or lower it very slow. If you have an auto top off unit(ATO) 1.026 is ocean and great…however if you don’t have an ATO you have to figure with evaporation the SG will raise a little. So keep the SG at 1.024-1.025..That way if the SG raises with evaporation it is still in the safe zone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by microbat
Hey guys,
I have been mixing mine to 1.022 (or 30 salinity) because that is what it says on the salt bucket.... But I have read that it should be closer to 1.024-1.026? So I am a little confused

LOL, am I slowly killing my fish??
Thanks, Sheridan
Actually fish prefer the lower salinity. If you had them in 1.018-1.020, they would be happy. But you will kill inverts/corals with it that low.
Corals and inverts should be at 1.025-1.026
If you don't have those...then you can keep your fish at a lower salinity. Since most people have a mix...they keep it at the .024-.026 range.