Stupid Question???


Ok, I have a FOWLR tank and I just got a couple of anenomes and a live rock with some mushrooms on it. I do not have a protein skimmer. I was told if I had a FOWLR I did not need a skimmer unless I got into corals. Do I really need a skimmer?? What do they do really? What size etc if I do buy some. I have a 46 gal bowfront with 192watt pc lighting and a cascade 1200 canister filter, 9w uv, and an extra powerhead. Do I need more????


Active Member
There's no such thing as a stupid question, I have a question, do you have metal halides or VHO's? Anemomnes need strong lighting and require high flow. That means for your tank it would have to do like 700-800gph. A protein skimmer oxygenates your water, this means that if your tank is highly populated with fish it would be strongly reccommended.
Hope it goes well


I have power compact lights. I couldn't afford the MH right now. I can't tell you my flow rate exactly but I was told by the LFS that it was a good flow rate according to what I do have. I know that I have an overload of fish and I am going to have to get rid of some. I don't know if I can trade fish for corals?? I know if I post how many and what fish I have I will definitely get some feedback.
Are protein skimmers really a necessitity??


OK here it goes my list:
I have a coral beauty angel
a foxface
3 green chromis
2 perculas
a long nose hawk
sailfin blenny
diamond goby
neon blue goby
green bubble anenome
small rock with tiny mushrooms on it
I know that once my fish get bigger I will have to get rid of some. I like them for now though they are all real small. I have had my tank up about 4 months now and everything measures good.
My canister filter has a spray bar that stirs up the water on the top and so I don't get too much scum build up, then is a protien skimmer still necessary?


yes , and if you can buy the aqua c skimmer they are very good. by the way did you get the light yet ?


Originally Posted by mavgi
yes , and if you can buy the aqua c skimmer they are very good. by the way did you get the light yet ?
Yes, Mavgi I got the lights. I emailed you thanking you again about letting me know where to get them. Now I was looking at skimmers on their site. Any suggestions??
I didn't go with the MH lights yet cause I want to stay married for a while longer. My hubby is pretty upset about how much this tank has cost so far. Hey 15 years of marriage I should get something I enjoy right? He got a new moutain bike I get the fish, oh and a new rock on my finger too. Yeah, sometimes I am spoiled.
Anyway back on track I got the 2x96 watt power compact lighting since it was more in my budget and then went and bought the anenome and some teeny tiny mushrooms. Let me know about the recommendations on the skimmer. Thanks!!


this is the skimmer from that website
Odyssea Pro Pack Protein Skimmer Single(a Free bubble reducer with Purchase) ODYPP75S
Ideal for fish tank up to 75g
and it is only $40. is it ok?


first congratulation for your new lighting system, i hope both of you enjoy from the aquarium.
i have the other skimmer the jebo 180 for me it's give good result but you nee to play with it all the time (adjusting ) because of that i told you to buy the aqua c.
you can see the picture the skimmmer here :



is the aqua c the from the same site? How much do they run? Is that like the one that I was looking at? I want low maintance.
I also want to some ideas on what kinds of corals are good for the beginner. I don't want to much in my tank but I do want some color. any ideas?


they don't have it on stock i will send you mail with a link where you can get it now include shipping about $55.


Originally Posted by twinclan
is the aqua c the from the same site? How much do they run? Is that like the one that I was looking at? I want low maintance.
I also want to some ideas on what kinds of corals are good for the beginner. I don't want to much in my tank but I do want some color. any ideas?
i did not read it , the aqua c more expensive and better one but most they work the same you can get one about $164.


shoot, the LFS one told me that condylactis can survive under normal florescent lights. I was told the green bulb would be ok under 192 watts of power compact lighting. I just tried raising my salt level cause I was told to have it 1.024 or so for the coral and anenomes. Everything else is 0 and PH is good too.


no i am afraid the LFS is wrong. i learned the hard way listening to my LFS. a salinity of 1.024 is still alittle low. i would even go closer to 1.026.


It really depends on the anemones. I have had an LTA for 6 to 8 months in my 75 reef he has grown and is doing very well MY GSM feeds him but othere than that the lighting was only 260 w pc half atinic and half 10,000k. So they can live in atinic lighting. That being said I just upgraded to 560 w 300 mh 10,000k and 260 pc atinic and my LTA is looking even better. So if you really want a RBTA or BTA you should consider a 150 MH for your 46 it will assure you he will have enough lighting. I have seen condy's under NO make it fine. It's like everything else just get as many opinions as you can read as much as you can and make your decsions from there. IMO MH is the only way to truley mimic the conditions our reef life came from and the 10,000k is the closest to mid day sun thats why things do better under them. Atinics can provide the correct conditions for morning and evening time of the day.