Stupid Question.


New Member
Can you super glue something and put it in your tank? Or will the glue mess up the balance.
My suction cups keep falling off. So I am just going to glue my power heads to some magnets… Will that be okay?

I know it’s a stupid question but just being overly cautious.


Try putting a dab of aquarium sealant on suction cups and resticking them.
It works great for me!
Super glue will not harm anything in your tank. It is what is used to attach coral frags to rocks. So you should be fine, like Dennis210 stated aquarium sealant works well as well.

al mc

Active Member
I got this idea from someone on this site. You can buy small plastic coated
magnets. Glue them to the power head holder where the suction cups should be attached (usually only the single one on the top is needed). Use another magnet on the outside of the glass. This allows you to easily move the powerhead and keeps it from falling.

google magnets...


I use a product form 3M called 5200. It is what I use for my magnets. You can get the powerfull ceramic ones from lowes. Just remember that 5200 takes 24 hrs to fully cure, don't cheat. This stuff will glue an elephants but to a bulldozer!!!!