stupid question?


what is a retro fit kit is it the lighting componants that just mount to the inside of canopy? doesnt this cause shattering issues? is it cheaper to just buy whole light or retro fit?


Active Member
The only dumb question is the one not asked!

Yes a rerto kit is one that is made to be built into a canopy usually. You can get them for any type of lighting system, they are usually much cheaper that a fixture. There are usually no issues with shattering. Sometimes a retro kit can be more powerful and have more flexibility than a fixture. Point in case a MH retro with a very good reflector like lumenarc reflectors....There are pros and cons for each, decide whats best for you.


Well-Known Member
retrofit kits can let you customize your lighting. They can also help you save some money.
I personally like retrofit kits - light fixtures are hard to work on if you need to. If a ballast in your fixture goes out - you have to either work really hard to get the right ballast and replace it yourself and put everything back together - or buy a new fixture.