stupid question


i have a stupid question
are shrimp considered invertabrents (sp)?
also, my tank has ick... i bought some greeenex, but am afraid to use it...
so, i have decided to do the hyposalinity route instead...
i don't have a sick tank.
i do have shrmp in my tank and 2 serpent stars and Live Rock and of course, fish.
what do you all recommend i do with those little guys (shrimp and serpent stars) while i do the hypo thing?
also, what should i do with the live rocK? just leave it in the tank?
i have a 55 gallon with LIVE rock and fish and shrimp, and star fish...
thanks for your help


thanks for your response
i meant i dont' have a QT, not sick tank...
i have a 55 gallon
Live sand
Live rock
yellow tang
domino damsel
3 chromis
sharknose goby
cleaner goby
2 clowns
1 canary blenny
1 scooter blenny
2 cardinals
2 peppermint shrimp
2 camelback
2 scarlet cleaner
and 2 serpent stars
my fish tank is about 8 months old
new additions
2.5 live rock last week
the clowns have been in for 3 weeks
and the blennies for 2 weeks
and the serpent for 1 week
both my clowns hve it
my shark nose does
my cleaner goby does
my domino does
my canary blenny does
so... what do you recommend chief?


ok man, thanks! and thansk for your VERY quick response!
i am going to start this process tomorrow morning...
i have a question though, so, i just move all my live rock into the bin with my crabs, starfish and shrimp? and leave them there for 4 weeks? what are they going to eat? should i feed them?
and all i need is a heater, powerhead and filter? and yoiu said some live sand too?
hey, i was wondering though... wont' the live rock re-introduce the ick when i put it back in my display tank?
what about the live sand?
i know, or at least i assume inverts dont' carry ich (bless their hearts)...
i need QT tank, huh?
how big of a QT tank do i need if i have a 55 gallon display?
how should i maintain that?
thanks again man


oh, and uh.. one more thing
i won't need lightiing for the inverts, live rock, live sand, when i seperate them?


ah,not a stupid question either... :)
I am seeing what looks like little grains of sand on the fish mentioned...
but, there are too many "grains" or "spots" to be sand, plus, it's on the sharknose goby too and he never gets any where near the substrate at all.. (only hangs out in this one rock).
plus, the fish have been scrathcing themselves on rock and on the sand...