stylapora for trade


Ok I bought a fire stylapora on saturday. There is time to save it if you have MH lighting. I was told it was a low light coral. I have researched it and found that it need to be under MH lighting instead of pc's. If you are interested let me know.
I am willing to ship anywhere as long as I can ship fast. If no one wants it by tomorrow night I will trade it at my lfs. thanks


Fire stylapora is a low light coral. MH will actually burn the coral, turning it brown and eventually causing it to die. In the wild stylapora is a deep water coral receiving little light and its bright color warns of its poisonous sting. It is a difficult coral to keep and requires high quality water. It is a filter feeder, extending its feeders between its hard exoskeleton at night.
My suggestion would be to actually place it low in the tank in a shaded area, under a rock over hang. Moderate water circulation is a must since it is a filter feeder and needs a supply of foods from the water.


That is what I was told at the lfs, but I did a search on it to find out more about it. They said it was in the acropora family and needed mh lighting only. I must have read something on a different species other than this one. thank you for comfirming this for me. So forget it I'm not getting rid of it then. lol