Sub Sumping


New Member
Is there such thing as a protein skimmer that is self contained and can operate below the tank and NOT in a sump set-up.Or is this impossible? Kind of like a canister filter but a protien skimmer.
Also, say you operate a sump set-up; what are the risks of flooding your house if the sump malfunctions? Is this fairly common? If so are there anti-flood designs that work?


im sure it could be done with an overflow and return pump but its to much of a risk if the return pump fails you get a flood i would use a small sump


Active Member
my lifereef sump, has a anti siphon deal, so when it gets to a certain point (water level) it stops sucking water back into the sump, i see no way that it could ever over flow... tested it 100000000 times an starts back up like a charm.. i have my skimmer in there too.. the only downside is the ugly overflow box


Active Member
I run two return pumps.
One on timer / other one on all the time
The timer turns the return pump on and off 6 times a day.
Roughly 30 days in a month.
That's 180 times a month.
Has been doing so for 10 months.
That's around 1800 times sutomatically turing on and off.
Each time - no flood.
I manually turn off the other pump at least once or twice a day.
Figure around 450 times so far since January.
No flood
Sumps will not flood if precautions are taken up front.
Of course - there's always the chance, and the unusal circumstances I suppose.
I do not know of a skimmer that you can plumb into the display tank and run without a sump. You'd need a powerful enough pump to return the water back up to the tank - and I figure that would blow the water right up the skimmer cup of most traditional skimmers.
Plus most centrifugal pumps are lousy at sucking water if the inlet line is not always full of water.
But I'm not certain about this either.