Subratct $200 from my checking account


Active Member
I finally dumped my wish list into the shopping cart today. I've never been so happy to spend money
I'm very excited as I'm almost ready to test my hand at this hobby. After the I receive my shipment I'll only need testing kits, salt, 2 GFCI's, 2 timers, lr, and sand.
Thanks for all who have helped me get to this point. Too many to list


I looked at the title and not the poster name and thought this was going to be spam LOL
What did you order??


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
What did you order??Mike
4 heaters (sump, qt, water change, and spare)
1 groundign probe (purchasing GFCI's locally)
2 mag floats
4 maxi jet power heads (2 for dt, 1 for qt, and 1 for water change)
1 refractometer
4 digital thermometers
1 cleaning rod
1 pair of gloves



do a search for MJ mods for the oes in your display you might want to do something like that for a gentle flow of water.


Active Member
I haven't researched much on MJ mods. I always thought it was mod'ed to create more flow? I have a 29g dt with 10g sump/fuge. MD7 for return which alone will turnover my tanks 15.5 times (calculating for head loss). I got 2 MJ 400s and 2 MJ 600s. I figured I'd play with them both in the dt to determine what was best but I'd be increasing my turnover to about 25 times/hr with the MJ's. I want to keep soft corals and figured this would work pretty well. What do you think, should I still research MJ mods?


I would from my understanding the do increase flow but the turn it into a erradic gentle flow for the corals instead of a direct current.


Active Member
Thanks, I'll look into it. I'll have to check how effective the mod is on the models I'm getting. Most I see are on the larger models.


I havent modded one yet I have seen them and they rate kinda like hydro deflectors which is also another option that you might look at they are about 12 a piece and rotate changing the flow areas.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
I havent modded one yet I have seen them and they rate kinda like hydro deflectors which is also another option that you might look at they are about 12 a piece and rotate changing the flow areas.
I actually have a rotating deflector. Not sure how well it will work on the lower model MJ's but I'll try it out.


I have only seen them in pictures and in vid clips I havent got one yet but I think thats the route I am going because I have many types of powerheads.