Substitute for Base Rock?


What do y'all think about this one? I am starting a new tank on a tight budget. As we all know, LR is incredibly expensive and BR isn't much better. My mind immediately wanders to suitable alternatives.
What does everyone think about replacing BR with limestone out of a local quarry. If I'm not mistaken limestone (calcium carbonite) is very similar to the rock skeletons left behind by corals. If I sterilized/cured them properly, what could be the potential harm?


PM me your email address and I can send you a link for some rock that is the cheapest I've seen which can be used as a base with good LR on top. It's something like $58 (with shipping) for 35lbs or so. It is basically LR that is dead and scrubbed really, really clean.


yes, limestone = calcium carbonate... I have a piece of limestone that came as the substrate to a colony of hairy green mushrooms i purchased... the mushrooms seem to attach to it just fine...


I have nothing but limestone beneath my liverock and the tubeworms and q-tip sponges moved onto it really quick. My brittlestar also likes to weave in and out of the holes. It's good stuff.

big boy69

That's what a lot of the live rock farmers do, from what i hear.
They go and dump a bunch of limestone in t a certain area in the ocean and wait for it to get pretty.


Active Member
It is commonly used as baserock - especially the 'holey' limestone that is common here in Texas, much of which has fossils and stuff in it too...old coral reef and carbonate sands. IMO, so long as it is soaked to remove any dirt or stuff, it would be OK to use.


Active Member
under my live rock, I have limestone and the slightly more expensive HIrocks. the limestone has more coralline on it now than the HiRocks. HI Rocks are about $1 per pound. if you find the right supplier, you can get a 5 pound piece of limestone for $2 or $3. I still recommend using half live rock and half base rock.