substitute host?


Is there any anemone that will do well in a 12g Nanocube? If not, will a clown fish accept a coral? I fell in love w/a friends 30g tank and they convinced me that a nano-cube would be nice, easy, and all inclusive. I wanted to have an anemone and a clown fish. After reading several threads the jbj nanocube lighting is not strong enough.
Here is a pic of my lr and the few corals I currently have.


Active Member
IMO don't get one in a nano, and don't get one unless you have MH or a lot of VHO. there are many kinds of corals that clowns will host in such as leathers. that's an easy one


Thanks Fishman, I agree w/not having an anomone w/o improved lighting. Anything else besides a leather?
TO ALL: please post a pic if anyone has one of their clown hosting in a coral. :happyfish


I agree with Fishman about this, a 12 nano is just to small, also I have seen clowns hosting in leathers and star polyps before. I would also suggest a hairy mushroom.


Good info! How about hammer, frogspawn, torch, or bubble corals? Perhaps nanos don't have enough light for them? I believe the jbj nanos are considered as medium lighting, right?
TANK: I've read that the nano tank pump should be upgraded to a mini-jet 404 or 606. Is that true? What about a skimmer, is that necessary for the corals and clownfish?
FISH: I am thinking of having just one clown fish and perhaps a 6 line wrasse (after the clownfish is settled in). Which clown species is smaller than the rest? Which is less timid? I was looking at the ocellaris but I read in a thread that perculas are smaller in size, true?
Thanks for all of your help. I read as many threads as I can find and everyone has different opinions.