Substrate for messy eaters


What do you think is the substrate of choice for a 150 with puffer, triggers, etc? Would you use a thin layer of crushed coral or some of the larger reef sands? This will be a substrate that is vacumed often.


Active Member
Originally Posted by js1976
What do you think is the substrate of choice for a 150 with puffer, triggers, etc? Would you use a thin layer of crushed coral or some of the larger reef sands? This will be a substrate that is vacumed often.
Reef sand; this question is often asked after the cc is already in and the hobbiest wants to remove it. If you really like cc and will keep it clean; then it isn't a major issue; IMO.


Does reef sand vacuum well without sucking up into the vacuum? My only previous tanks had about half reef sand and half fine powder sand. Needless to say, if I tried to vacuum I would have taken loads of sand with it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by js1976
Does reef sand vacuum well without sucking up into the vacuum? My only previous tanks had about half reef sand and half fine powder sand. Needless to say, if I tried to vacuum I would have taken loads of sand with it.
If in doubt, just use one of the larger grain argonite substrates. Most will tell you if they're safe for sand-sifting & soft-belly fish, etc.


Active Member
No CC - Traps too much crap
IMO - no sand, if things get covered they rot and when uncovered produce high Nitrates
I personally like Aragonite - PH buffing, loose enough to siphone clean, packed tight like sand
My 2 cents.

small triggers

Active Member
truthfully, it ends up being a cross between personal preferance and the amount of work you want into cleaning your sand. I have fine reef sand and argonite mix, I stir half of it every other week before i do my water change. Its just part of regular maintenance. Even when all i had was fine reef sand I stirred it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
crushed coral isn't a problem if you vacuum it often. 3 to 4" is great for predator tanks.

I had several problems with it, PH would not buff past 7.9 and tons of detris during siphon cleaning.
I removed mine and replaced with Aragonite.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
If in doubt, just use one of the larger grain argonite substrates. Most will tell you if they're safe for sand-sifting & soft-belly fish, etc.
You just lead into my next question. Are snowflake eels skin irritated by CC? This would be a decision maker out of the two choices.