Substrate Question

lady becca

I need an opinion on our substrate...
We are using: Seaflor Special Grade Reef SandTM From CaribSea.
I can't get the pic from the website. So here is the web addess that shows a pic of the substrate. ***Deleted***
Can you please tell me if this is the type of Sand that you are speaking of using as substrate. When we set up the tank this was all we could find. I do hope it is ok.


Active Member
It looks like decent stuff - similar to the Southdown Play Sand that you may have heard of. As near as I can tell, it's a "dead" sand, but it's aragonite, so you should be fine. You could seed it with their Arag-Alive sand, which is a good live sand. That's basically what I did with my 75g tank - the combo would give you a great start to your tank.


If it is araonite then it is fine to use, this can like jacksonpt said be seeded with live sand or even live rock, once its cycled then it will be live, but will need to mature. If they send it to you wet then chances are it has the bacteria in it already and can be considered most likely to be live.
Have you checked locally for Southdown, Yardright or Old Castle sands yet?
Your link will have to be deleted of course as it contains competitor sites and advertizing, not allowed by the owner of this site, sorry.