substrate ?'s


I have a 30 high tank that has been up and running now for just about a year and I used c.c as the substrate. I just bought a new tank, 55 gal, and was wondering what the best substrate would be other then c.c. I will be using the live rock method which includes the use of a protein skimmer and a filter. I plan on using 100 pounds of live rock and am going to be doing a fish/invert only tank. If you could tel me the name and the brand of some of the products that you usefull that would be nice. O yeah and I would prefer something that is the size of sand if thats possible.
thanks a lot


Well live sand will have the bacteria in already meaning it will cycle faster and will not cloud up the tank as long.
You can use both but the dead sand will be cloudy for a while.
Also i have small, med, and large sand in my tanks.
Not sure what mm the grains they are.
But i like the medium size grains because the small size clouds the bottom easily from being so light, and the large doesn't look as nice.
All of mine are aragonite sand, I forgot the name though.
I think its carib sea.


I think it was 60 lbs giving me 2 1/2 in. It was 3 years ago so i am not positive
But it would depend on the size grains also .
Try a google search on "sand bed calculator"


Active Member
deeper the better but for looks sake most put the deep sand bed in the sump and then fill there tank a bit over the band on the bottom of the tank.
my sand in the main tank is about 3 inches deep. i think there is about 100 pounds give or take. we have 4 inches in the sump.
i like it just above that band because it also allows you to see whats going on under the sand to . and


Active Member
It took around I dont remember for sure but I either bot 60 or 80lbs of sand it gave me a 3 and half inch sand bed in my 55.