

Just curious......How much crushed coral substrate is enough. 40 gal f* o bakpak2 2 powerheads for circulation. I currently have 30 pounds. If I add lr do I have to take out some cr coral? And one more question: I can't get a straight answer on salinity. what should it be at I read .024 some say .022 htan lfs says .019. Does it depend on what is in the tank? By the way tank has been up for 1 year.


When I am doing water changes, is it essential that I get all the gunk out of the substrate or the best that I can before I take out too much water.. Is there a better way to vacuum the crush coral substrate? I read on another posting about a Python System.....any comments! Thank you for all your help! I thought I was sailing along ok, but then the past two weeks everything went down hill and I'm totally depressed. I am down to 2 fish and I'm not sure how long they will hang on. My readings are all great except for nitrate. It is at .20. I am going to gradually raise my salinity from .019 to .022. If anything else sounds out of whack, please let me know! Thanx!!