

Can I replenish my substrate in a tank that's been going for over a year? When I vaccum my tank I lose some of the substrate.
Can I add more live sand?
Hi , Why not? I have added more since we changed to live sand bed. We have a snowflake eel that likes to move sand from the front to the back, When it gets about two inches from the bottom I add to the front to build it up , so it doesnt disturb the bottom layers of the DSB. Also if you have live sand already you dont need to add more live sand , you can add regular reef sand and, the allready live sand you have will resead the new sand turning it to live sand eventually. hope this helps...cya ;)


I don't see why not. That stuff that comes in the bag would seem to be the easiest. Just use a length of PVC Pipe and a funnel to put it in place.

mr . salty

Active Member
I have added bags of new sand to my tank three times since switching from CC. Natures Ocean is the easiest stuff I have heard of.That is all I have used.Just cut open the bag,put the bag in the tank,turn it upside down,and shake it out.No mess,no cloud...