

Hello. I recieved ANOTHER tank from a friend, I was planing giving it to my parents, so they can try reefing as a hobby. Anyways I got it with a bunch of substrate, and I really dont know what it is (grains are alot bigger than sand, various sizes, kind of like buckshot with bits of black, and red). My question for you is this. If I clean it SUPER (scalding hot water)good can I use it in my tank? It would save me some cash. Tell me what I should do to prep it if I can, unless you guys dont agree with my plan. Thanks for the input.


Active Member
Stick with sand made from aragonite, it helps with buffering, looks natural and has MANY advantages. If you don't know exactly what it is you've got. Go with Burn's advice and ditch.


Alrighty. BUT I'm going to take some down to my LFS, and get there opinion. Thanks for again for the help


Ok I didnt take it down to my LFS. But upon further inspection I noticed little shells, all different colors and shapes. Im going to get ahold of the previous owner to ask him. Why cant I use it? YOu guys didnt give me a reason(s) why. Again thanks for the info.


Staff member
Could it be some of that black sand I think I've heard about? You should get hold of your friend and ask him exactly what it is. However, from the size you're describing it sounds like it might be some kind of crushed coral, in which case it is not the best choice for a reef setup. In a reef tank, very small grain size is needed. Larger grain substrate entrap detrius resulting in high pollution rates in your system. The cost of upkeeping the system with this type of problem will eventually out weigh the inital cost you will put out by using the correct substrate to begin with.


oohhh ok cool thanks for the help. I do think its crushed coral. And I did email him asking him what it is, but after reading so many other posts crushed corals bad. Thanks again :D


I was at my LFS store today and saw a bag of that black sand.
(In theory it would look cool mixed in "stripes" of contrasting white sand but, uh, the fish wouldnt have it that way would be my guess!)
I am pretty sure that it doesnt fit my needs/theme but can it be used in a reef tank? My husband asked and I told him that I had no idea.
Just sort of an info. thing. Just wondering.


Ok I found out from my friend, that the mystery substrate is in fact reef sand. Can I still use it?? Thanks for your time