

New Member
I am setting up a 125 salt fish only tank.Ihave it hooked up to a wet dry filter. Need to know what type of substrate to use. It will only be needed for appearence purposes as the wet dry will handle the bio mass. Is one type of substrate more benefical then an other?


Active Member
The most common type of substrates used are crushed coral and live sand. I definitely like the live sand better. It looks much nicer, you don't have to clean it like you would the CC, and it helps reduce nitrates. It is a bit more costly than cc but IMO its worth it.


I personally would go with a small grained crushed coral. Live sand may be good, but why in the heck would you waste so much money? Thats just my opinion though. Just do what you like.


I thought that crushed coral helped with the ph balance? Is it possible to ust a mixture of crushed coral and live sand maybe 60/40 or something like that? :rolleyes: