

ok, i don't think i spelled that right, but, i want to set up a 10 gal tank for growth of nitrate eating veg and to move my clams to keep from being eatin by my ccsf. any hints and ideas as to what algea, sea plants, dirt, equipment to get?
The two main pieces of equipment you will need is an Overflow box, and a return pump, the overflow box hangs over the side of your main tank, connected to the box is a tube that leads to the Refugium, in the refugium you have your Live sand, live rock, and the return pump, which pumps the water back to the main tank, and repeats the cycle, there are many different types of Macro Algaes you can keep in the tank, some grow on your live rock, some grow in the sand, and some float around the refugium,but all pretty much serve the same purpose, to use up nutrients that bad alage uses to grow, the Macro algae also serves as a hiding spot for pods to grow and thrive, the fuge is a breeding ground for these benificial bugs. many people use fuges as a seperate tank for more delicate fish such as seahorses or pipefish, and in your case sand clams.
Many people use just plain aragonite sand, you dont realy want to use Crushed Coral in a refugium, because the fuge has low flow going through it, and with crushed coral debris will easily build up and produce nitrates, which is defeating the whole purpose, Fuges are very easy to set up, and well worth the investment IMO.
You can go under the DIY section of this site to learn how to set up your fuge properly, just search "Refugium" and you will get plenty of information about the risks of overflows, and how to propely use them, you can also see the different way people have thier fuges set up