success, finally (sump return flow)


Active Member
First, some background...
About 6 months ago, I scrapped together the cash to buy some equipment and setup sumps for both of my tanks. I bought a CPR CS90 (600gph) overflow box, MarineLand Tidepool1 (sump) and a MagDrive 9.5 return pump for my 75g tank. I also bought a CPR CS50 (300gph), MarineLand Tidepool2 (sump), and a MagDrive 7 return pump for my 44g tank. I also bought all the PCV, tubing, hoses, clamps, ball valves, check valves, etc. to connect everything.
I did the 75g tanks first, using 3/4" PVC with 90* elbows, including a 3/4" ball valve and check valve. Everything worked great right off the bat. Flow to and from the tank was good, noise was relatively quiet (some tweaking quieted things even more).
Next I did the 44g, and saw less than satisfactory results. I used 1/2" PVC and 90* elbows, with 1/2" ball valve and check valve. Flow was very disappointing, and would not have been enough to support a developed and established reef. Fortunately, I haven't developed my tank to that point yet... it's established, but very lightly stocked.
The good news...

So yesterday, I decided to redo the 44g plumbing. I stuck with 1/2" PVC, but this time I used 45* elblows, and I did not use a ball valve or a check valve as I thought they were the primary restrictions to water flow. I cut everything to length and glued everything together last night. I let the glue cure overnight, and plugged in the MagDrive this morning. What a huge difference. A far greater improvement than I thought I was going to see, to the point where I actually have to move a 1 or 2 of my corals into areas with lesser flow.
I'm very happy with the improved flow, and hopefully so will my critters (especially the carpet anemone). I'm not sure how much of a difference the 45* elbows made over the 90* ones, but every little bit helps for my tank.
I know there is nothing revolutionary about what I did, but I had to share my excitement with someone that would understand - my wife just shakes her head and walks away when I start messing with the tanks.


Active Member
I was checking out the tank last night, and realized... the increased water flow into the tank means an increase in water flow into the overflow box and into the sump (ok, this part I knew). The higher flow rate is enough to turn the biowheel in the tidepool, which I wasn't expecting... the slower flow rate I had before wan't enough keep the biowheel rotating. So now I have better flow and better filtration.


if at some point you want to reintroduce a check valve or a ball valve, you can always get a 1/2-3/4 increaser, a 3/4 ball valve, and a 3/4-1/2 reducer.
as for the check valve, just drill a siphon break at the top by your discharge and you will never need a check valve.
glad you had success! i love it when i can fix things (and yes my girlfriend could care less as well).