Success with a Powder Blue


All I read on this board are all the problems people have with Powder blue tangs - I would like to hear a few success stories - I love the fish - are they an absolute fish to avoid or am I only hearing one side of things.


I have had mine for a year and a half. They are easy once established but not everyone understands their needs of a large tank not overcrowded, clean water meaning 0 to 5 nitrates, a good variety of foods especially greens, QUARANTINE, and being able to pick a healthy specimen from the start. <a href="" target="_blank"></a> has a post/poll going on now on the success of keeping a PBT under the reef discussion.


I agree. They need atleast a 6 foot tank. They swim all over and need every inch they can get. I also agree that water quality is essential. My nitrate is so low it doesn't register on test kits (like zero). Also, they like to pick at algae all day, so have some avail. My PB has done very well once established. I think getting one that is healthy from the LFS is the hard part.