Such thing as too many??


Active Member
I have bad bubble algae and am told by numerous people to stock up on Emerald Crabs. I currently have 3 or 4 in there now and thought about picking up another 4 this overkill/too many for a 60g? There is ~130# of LR in the tank if that helps?


Active Member
i don't know about the overkill, but they are not going to take care of your bubble algae issue. if you starve them, maybe they will go after some of it, but manual removal is the best way to rid yourself of valonia bubbles. i say you are wasting your money with the emerald crabs.


Active Member
then the best thing you can do is see for yourself. when they don't eat the bubble algae, would you mind posting your experience here, so that someone else doesn't get the same mis-information?


Active Member
Just got 3 more, so we will see what happens.....
This makes 7 in a 60g.......I will keep this thread updated.


I have always heard that they will eat it if it's their last resort. Of course when they do eat it, it releases spores and you just end up with more of the stuff. But I don't have first hand experience with this, so maybe it will work out for you.
I don't know emerald crabs are cool anyway.


Active Member
Wow, 130lb of rock in 60 g. That's a lot, unless its really dense stuff.
Emeralds usually aren't a solution to 'the bubbles'. Hasn't worked for anyone I know that's tried it. I'm sure there's someone in here its worked for, but the failures outnumber the successes.
Unfortunately, taking the rock out piece by piece, picking off the bubbles (I recommend plastic silverware), then rinsing off the rock to get any spores out is about the only effective way.


Active Member
i had a couple of bubbles once and i used my friends emerald it worked out fine
but for a 60gal u would need like 10 IMO