Hi, i am relatively new to the hobby. I set up my 60g around Thanksgiving 2014. I went through a complete cycle and all my parameters and fishies were fine until today.
I came home from work and my Flame A was on the bottom breathing heavy. he passed away about 3 hours after i noticed him.
I did some research and saw that a lot of people used Prime to help out so I went out and bought some and did a 10% wc (Thats all the RO/DI water I had already to go)
In the tank i have 2 (2") clowns and 1-1/2" yellow tang, 1 Flame Angel (r.i.p), 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 brittle star, several snails and hermits maybe 20 total
I am running a sump and a protien skimmer with HOB overflow
My ammonia was reading 0.25-0.50 with API test kit. I also bought a seachem in tank Ammonia thingy a few weeks ago and it is reading safe.
My nitrites have been at 0.25-0.50 for about 2 weeks with Ammonia at 0 and Nitrates at 0 also.
The other fish seem fine at the moment.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, Thanks. Chris..
I came home from work and my Flame A was on the bottom breathing heavy. he passed away about 3 hours after i noticed him.
I did some research and saw that a lot of people used Prime to help out so I went out and bought some and did a 10% wc (Thats all the RO/DI water I had already to go)
In the tank i have 2 (2") clowns and 1-1/2" yellow tang, 1 Flame Angel (r.i.p), 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 brittle star, several snails and hermits maybe 20 total
I am running a sump and a protien skimmer with HOB overflow
My ammonia was reading 0.25-0.50 with API test kit. I also bought a seachem in tank Ammonia thingy a few weeks ago and it is reading safe.
My nitrites have been at 0.25-0.50 for about 2 weeks with Ammonia at 0 and Nitrates at 0 also.
The other fish seem fine at the moment.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, Thanks. Chris..