hey guys. i started a 75 gal fish only tank 3 months ago. i have 1 domino damsel, 2 yellow tail blue damsels, 1 yellow tang, 2 clownfish, 1 coral beauty angel and 3 turbo snails. i have been adding fish slowly and checking parameters, and i had not yet done a water change. i did a test yesterday and got these results: sg 1.021, pH 8.4, ammonia 3ppm, nitrates 40ppm, nitrites .5ppm. yesterday i did a 15 gal water change. all my fish seemed fine at the time. i came back 2 hours later and my coral beauty was lying on its side gasping. today i found it dead. now my yellow tang is doing the same thing. i'm not sure what the new parameters are, since i test my water at a fish store. what's going on? all of this started within an hour or two of changing the water. did i screw something up with the water change?