sudden illness HELP!!!!!


New Member
OK Here are the specs 90 gal tank Marineland C-330 canister filter emperor 400 HOB sieo 1500 gph power head coralife 125 skimmer 4x65 compact live sand bed and about 80lbs LR
livestock- 25-30 blueleg hermits, 3 emerald crabs, 1 sea hare, 10 nas snails, 5 turbo snails and 1 yellow tank, 1 sand anemone
water test with safilert
amn 0
trates 0
trites 0
PH 8.2
Phos 0
Now The yellow tank is the only fish in the tank and he has been very happy for a couple months always swimming the whole tank and pecking the rocks he got a small patch of something brown at the begining of his dorsal fin noticed it yesterday today when i got home he was hiding in a hole in the liverock and swimming inverted and gasping pretty hard what can I do for him at this point I have him in QT now. and any ideas on what suddenly happened to him?