Sudden loss of appetite...


I've had a Green Chromis for about two and a half months. Tank mates include 2 perculas, 2 blennies, and another Green Chromis all in a 125 that has been set up since Nov 2000. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10, PH 8.2, Salinity 1.021, and Temp is 77-78. Today I noticed the chromis hanging in the corner and breathing heavy with no visible signs of parasites or bacterial infection. It also is not eating. I just recently added my 3rd powerhead for circulation. Wet/dry trickle filter and in the sump I run carbon. I also have a 15watt UV. Any ideas on what's going on? The others look fine and are eating. Oh yeah, 25lbs of live rock and some decortations. One more thing. I just started soaking food in garlic for disease prevention. Could this have anything to do with this??????
[ May 03, 2001: Message edited by: Tacks ]


Staff member
I know the garlic theory, but personally, I'm not convinced that this is the best idea. Garlic is a terrestial food source, not an aquatic....however, I have heard of people feeding their dogs garlic to get rid of flees!!!
Sometimes fish just get sick [and die] for unknown reasons. 2 chromis together might be causing some aggression which you haven't noticed yet. Keep an eye on tank activity, including when the light are out and everyone is supposedly sleeping!


Today, the chromis doesn't look any better but not any worse. Once in a while, he joins the other fish and hangs out for a little bit, then goes back to the corner. Hope he makes it!


He didn't make it :( Oh by the way... My tank still looks like crap! I hope this gets better soon... :(


Active Member
The one time I tried garlic it didn't work for me and the fish involved after 2 or 3 days did not eat again for close to 4 weeks. The tank looked horrible at the water line from the garlic and all the filters became a mess. Now I used special garlic that was recommended on the board here but frankly I will never try that again. Oh yes I will admit that I think I used too much but the fish did not like it one bit.