Sugar Gliders


Active Member
i use to have one like 6 yrs ago it was a very nice pet. Just watch out they are very protective of there owners LOL my friend found out the hard way. 22 stitches OUCH


Originally Posted by MyThrenody
Anyone here have one? I was thinking of getting one.
My friend has a couple. They are so smelly!


Research them unbiasedly!! Remove the cuteness and see if you still want one.
But goodness, they sure are cute!! And LOUD!!!!


Active Member
sugar gliders are nocturnal, so they are asleep during the day, and awake at night.
so, as your trying to sleep off your tequila hangover-in-process, they will be up and about.


Awsome,I have been researching them,And if your friend's SGs are smelly then that may because of it's diet or they dont keep up with the cleaning of their cage,Males should have a musk sent to em unless they're nuetered. But ya,I maybe getting one. Female maybe.



Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
sugar gliders are nocturnal, so they are asleep during the day, and awake at night.
so, as your trying to sleep off your tequila hangover-in-process, they will be up and about.
I'm usually not home or sleeping during the day myself,But vodka is more my thing

reefer jer

Gliders are COOL...I use to breed them.....fairly big...
I had to sell them because could only have/afford 2 breeding my REEFS of course...2 we breed talking parrots....greys, amazons, macaws etc....We have 65 of them in our house along with 350 gallons of full blown reefs! Man its humid in here!lol
Gliders please do reasearch them....always everyday give honey or nectar or both....they are hypoglecemic...meaning they cannot produce glucose aka sugar.....very prolific anamils....females a little musk (in the urine mostly) males a bit more....breeding pairs....WOW smells like overriped half rotton fruit...not really bad like say ferrets (got rid of my 3 of them 2...did I mention I also breed hamsters, iguanas) but not a real pleasant order.....dirty cages smell like a mans dirty clean once a week!!
Study it and go for it is my qualified advice;
Reefer Jerm