Suggestions for 220 setup??? aggressive??


hey all..i am getting a new tank here in a few weeks and it is a 220 gallon. i have always had reef tanks and now i dont have the time for it anymore..but i would really like to go down a different road and setup a very aggressive fish only tank. im open to all suggestions but i would love to have a large angel, an eel, several aggressive triggers, maybe a wrasse and a puffer. im mostly trying to figure out what i should do with triggers? i am getting a yellow belly dogface puffer and possibly a pretty big volitan lion from my friend. everything else is up in the air!! but i want a pretty aggressive tank.


yeah im trying to find somewhere for him to go, i dont really want to bring him to the LFS i might just have to setup a seperate tank until i find him a home. i know i want a banana wrasse and the dogface puffer i know they can do alright. there will be plenty of live rock and hiding places i also figured i should mention. any suggestions on triggers? i know its always a 50/50 deal because so many can be great for someone and terrible for someone else. just wanting to hear from people who have been through it i guess haha. thanks.


I've had a bluejaw and a picasso. The bluejaw was a model tankmate. The picasso was more inquisitive rather than aggressive until it reached about four inches and then it just snapped. Overnight it turned into the terror of the tank. It bullied everything including my hand until it jumped onto my center brace and baked itself. Fish have their individual personalities but after dealing with the devil picasso, I'm done with triggers for a while.


My suggestion is to pick the triggers you like and then see how they do, but be prepared to trade one or more in if they don't work out. I've had a number of triggers that didn't work out... my first niger was a menace but the one I have now is the tamest fish in the tank. I also had a beautiful goldenheart that picked a cave and it attacked any fish that swam by its "home". Had to trade it in. With triggers it's hard to give advice because they all have such different personalities in my experience. Right now I have a sargassum trigger, a niger and a tiny clown and they all get along great!


Active Member
Lionfish really don't belong in an "aggressive" set up IMO. There are people that get lucky, but more often than not, Puffers, Wrasses, big Angels, and Triggers do not play well with slow moving fish.
220 give you a lot of options though. Banana/Sunset Wrasse is a great choice, I have one and they add color and life to any large system. Puffer is good (hope tank is glass not acrylic), you could do about any large Angel you want, I would avoid the real bad boy Triggers (Blueline, Clown, Titan, Undy and so on), but Bluejaw, Pinktail, even Niger and Huma do well in a set up like you are wanting.....Want a specific list? Ok, here is what I would do.
Sunset Wrasse
Puffer of your choice
Goldentail Moray....(sub Snowflake if you don't want to spend the $$$$)
Emperor Angel
Retangle Huma
Pinktail Trigger
Chocolate Tang


thanks for the advice everyone its a tough decision haha because really..i want a mean tank. i want a real aggressive setup but not to the point everything is getting killed. i keep thinking back to a friend of mine who had a golden puffer, large clown trigger, and large radiata lion in a 125 and had no problems. but he must have been lucky. i had planned on putting a few of the bad boy triggers in the tank together to see how that all went because i have had a picasso in the past and that was in a community tank with no problems. maybe only have 1 trigger period ? i was planning on putting either a sohal OR clown tang in the tank for a tang. i had a clown tang for a few years before and my friend has a LARGE sohal he is going to be getting rid of soon because he is moving in 6 - 8 months.anyone have more suggestions on eels? and i was planning on using crushed coral this time around in the tank, when i had sand the picasso trig had it so stirred up EVERY day it was so cloudy and i had my filtration way up on the tank. had no problems ever until him with that situation. any advantages or disadvantages?