Suggestions for a 60g FOWLR


Hello Everyone,
I have a 60g acrylic FOWLR tank that I would like to add some aggresive fish into. Currently there are just 5 damsels that have been in there since the beginning. There is about 60 lbs of live sand and about 100 pounds of live rock. I was wondering if I could get away with putting in a Humu trigger, NIger Trigger, and Undulated trigger. I say these because they are beautiful, inexpensive, and seem pretty hardy. Any suggestions on other fish or comments on these fish would be greatly appreciated. How does everyone feel about eels?


Active Member
No, with all 3 in there, it would definitely be a cage-match. The Undulated would be fine in there for many years, though he is one of the most aggressive fish we kept, so he'd have to be by himself. Both the Humu and Niger will eventually outgrow the 60gal. The Niger, depending upon purchase size, would take about a year, and the Humu about 2-3 years.
There aren't many eels that would work in a 60gal. A small snowflake could definitely be kept for a few years, though obviously not forever.


You can go with an undulated trigger but that'd have to be your only fish as it'll kill everything else. They're cool fish though. Like Aqua said, you can do a Humu for 2-3 years, they're slow growers. Or you can go with a small lion, like a fuzzy dwarf and a snowflake eel.


If i wanted to keep a few fish for about a year until they got put into a larger tank (90g or 125g) what do you guys thinK?
Thanks for the quick responses. What do you two have as livestock currently?


Active Member
Unfortunately the undulated will not work in any normal sized tank. They are super aggressive. For species only tanks though they are tons of fun.
Even a 125 would eventually be too small for those two triggers. If you can't go a lot bigger I would choose one or the the other.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dankbardy31
If i wanted to keep a few fish for about a year until they got put into a larger tank (90g or 125g) what do you guys thinK?
Thanks for the quick responses. What do you two have as livestock currently?
It would depend on which fish specifically, for instance a Vlamagii tang wouldn't work for a year, but yea, I could see a small Humu and small Niger working for a year, like R.C said.
I am redoing the stock in my 125gal, but it will have 2 angels, 2 triggers, 1 wrasse and 2-3 medium sized aggressives.


Is there anything else that could be housed in the tank with a humu if I only get one trigger? Or rather what specifically would be a good idea? Thanks again guys!


Active Member
That is a hard question because a humu is aggressive and will become more so due to your tank being on the smaller side. You could prolly do a small angel of some kind. Maybe a pair of clowns. A maroon or tomato would be best since they are also aggressive. Maybe a small eel like a snowflake.

small triggers

Active Member
here is my opinion, take it how you may. If you KNOW that you will be upgrading to a 125g and are willing to buy all the the parts for it, ie skimmer for 125g, sump and pump for 125g then i would say do like i did and buy what you want to fit in the 125. Nigers do really grow fast though so i waited until like 3 months before i transfered my inhabitants to the new tank.

small triggers

Active Member
That was my 35g 6 months into, and 6 months before i transferred. here is everyone in my 150g now (almost 9 months later)
Also, i did lose (and get rid of) a few of the inhabitants that grew to fast, it was trial and error for me, since i didnt have anyone to tell me how fast some fish grew. The snapper,, yeah he had to go back to the LFS, and the 1st niger I had did to, they both got HUGE fast. And of course some had to go back due to aggression and 2 or 3 i killed or died. I had alot of rock in the 35g for the fish to die in too.

small triggers

Active Member
I still have the humma, clown and bluejaw triggers and the maroon clown. I took the snapper back. I killed the flame (more aptly the yellow tang did) and the Yellow tang got septicimia. SOOO after all that i still added a few before i transfered and many more after.


Ok thanks a lot. Your tank looks great. I got a small snowflake eel and will eventually get a smaller humu and maybe a dogface or porcupine puffer. Nothing for a while though.