Suggestions for an easy colorful coral?


I went to a decent LFS yesterday with the wife to look for a new coral. It seemed that everything they had was "bland" (grays, tan or off white). We already have a colony of green shrooms that are doing great but we would like to add another colorful coral that is easy to keep. I have a 260 watt PC light fixture.
Any suggestions?


Active Member
Green star polyps are nice and colorful. When the bright green polyps retract, you get to see their purple mat. Yellow polyps are also easy and bright, as well as zoanthids.



Originally posted by zibnata
I got red mushrooms from this site.They are easy and add great color.

Can you post a pic?
Thanks for the suggestions!


I have a 75g with 260w of pc light. I have several zoos, green star polyps and some mushrooms. I also have a montipora digitata that is up as high as I can get it. It is growing very well and has nice color. Zoos look stunning under actnic light only.


Ricordea can be very colorful (especially the dual colored orange and blue). If your shrooms are doing well you should be able to keep these as well. Another cool coral that isn't that colorful, but very cool to watch is the pulsing xenia. The polyps pulse on thier own (very evident when not in a strong current) and look very cool. I started with a one inch frag and I've had to make cuttings and sell to the LFS just to keep it from taking over my tank (some of the stalks now reach over 6 inches high and are 2-3 inches thick).
Heres a pic of the oragne/blue ricordea:

Please respect the natural environment that makes this hobby possible. Be responsible and be informed. Support aquacultured/tank raised species.


be careful what pics you copy...i believe that pic is under copy right (i know the sight that it was optained from)


The ricordea looks good!
I had pulsing xenia and the colony split and then died. It was from a guy who had it growing like mad but for some reason they didn't do well in my tank.


Are brains easy to keep or do they need a lot of light?? I have always heard that they arent considered easy but im not an expert on brains.
Zoos and Rics always come in nice bright colors and are easy. If you decide to go with the Xenia, get the pulsing.


I have 6 @ 65 watt compacts. Wesophillia Brain is what I have.It has doubled in size in 6 months.However the red open brain i have is not doing as good because I think they need more light